Thursday, October 25, 2012

Shamed, or at least censured, by his game.

Reader(s)™ may recall this post from April in which we discussed how Wayne County, Michigan Circuit Judge Wade H. McCree told the media "Hot Dog, yep that's me. I've got no shame in my game" upon being shown a picture by the Detroit Free Press of the judge sans shirt that he had given to his bailiff.  The bailiff's husband was not amused.

It turns out that the Michigan Supreme Court was also unamused.  The Free Press reports that Judge McCree the court publicly censured Judge McCree.  The order is here.  Judge McCree consented to the censure.
One interesting thing about the order is that at least part of the censure relates not to giving the picture to the bailiff but to Judge McCree's "no shame in my game" comment.  Paragraph 12 of the order states:
During the interview, Respondent conducted himself in a flippant manner and did not give the interview the seriousness he should have. As a result, he brought shame and obloquy to the judiciary. For example, when discussing the digital image of him he said, "There is no shame in my game."
Given the fact that there are no similar paragraph saying that taking the picture or giving it to the bailiff brought shame and obloquy (defined by Merriam-Webster as bad repute or perhaps abusive language) on the judiciary, one might conclude that the censure relates entirely to the interview.

The order also states, "The interview, and the digital image, spread rapidly around the Internet and became the subject of jokes and ridicule."  I am pretty sure we were doing serious reporting and analysis so I don't think that refers to us.

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