In our time, the free movement of labor, capital, and information has created a global economy that moves by the gigahertz. In this economic milieu, education is worth what its purchaser can earn with it. The legal profession, and most of all the educational branch of the profession, owes society a far more practical response than painful expressions of longing for a golden age that never was. The putative prestige of the legal profession was always as arbitrary and illusory as the promise of gold as an inherent store of wealth. Lawyers and their teachers must learn that theirs is no longer a professional guild, but a competitive trade. Legal education is what enables students to earn a living in life, and nothing more pretentious.Read the whole thing.
Friday, July 6, 2012
"Lawyers in the United States today are competing against nonlawyers, against non-Americans, and against nonhumans."
Professor Jim Chen, who taught Mr. Gillette and me everything we don't know about constitutional law, has some thoughts about the future of the legal profession and legal education:
You can tell he is a Vikings fan because the prose is so purple.